Skill 5 - Past Participle


Nama : Kevin Pramana
NPM : 13116867
Kelas : 4 KA 29
Fak/Jur : Ilmu Komputer/Sistem Informasi
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2# 


  • Definition of Past Participle
A past participle is formed from a verb. Because it is used to express actions that have already happened, it takes the past tense form. Most past participles end in -ed.

  • General Form of Past Participle

It is a verb when it shows present participle pattern (has/have+V3) or simple past passive pattern (was/were+V3)

        The family has purchashed the refrigerator
               S                   V                   O

         The poem was written by Rizky
               S                V          Object of preposition

  • Example of Past Participle
As a Adjective
  1. The refrigerator purchased yesterday was expensive. (Purchase-Purchased).
  2. I brought this to replace your broken vase. (Break-Broken).
As a Verb
  1. That room had been cleaned. (Clean-Cleaned).
  2. The cat is spoiled by my sister. (Spoil-Spoiled).

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